Fireplace Tools
Many Quality Manufacturers! Many Finishes! Decorator Sets & Stove Sets
Literally THOUSANDS of products from HUNDREDS of manufacturers, if you can’t find it – We Can!

Fireplace Doors and Screens

Chimney Systems
We believe if you are adding a quality wood stove to your home you should have Lifetime warranty quality chimney. You will always save with quality even if it costs a bit more.

Chimney Brushes
Each type of Chimney Brush is sold in many Square, Rectangular, and Round sizes. Please tell us the interior size of your chimney! If you don’t know the size give us a call and we can help you find that out.

Maintenance Products
The Country Hearth carries a very extensive range of Maintenance Products. If you have used it or seen it we can get it or already carry it.

Tempered Glass
We can supply you with a replacement tempered fireplace door glass to replace and repair a broken piece. It is common to break a section of your fireplace doors caused from overheating.

Wood Stove Glass
This is the High temperature product used in Stove Doors, Insert Doors, gas wood or pellet burning appliances. Also used on the Space Shuttle. The product simply put is Lithium Silicate and is not actually glass, but a ceramic compound that has an amber tint.

Stove Mica is used for replacement in older Wood stoves. It is available in Spotted and Clear, Part number are specified with a C or a S at the end of the size for that color.